Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Happy Birthday, Dad!

Yesterday would have been Dad's 80th Birthday.
Oh, you don't know Moe?
Moe was my dad who passed away almost 3 years ago.
If you go back to read the link, it was my very first experience blogging.
Pretty raw and emotional.

I hesitated to write about Dad yesterday, being MLK Day, and all.
But, it was his birthday, and we always celebrated it.
Happy Birthday, Dad - miss you. 
A lot.

Funny story:
When I was a 5th Grader at Montebello Intermediate School, 
I actually competed in the Annual Speech Contest and won. 
I said Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech.  
Pretty funny, if you think about it.
Ten year old, chubby Japanese girl saying that speech.
I won.
Imagine that.
Makes me laugh when I think about it.

I hated public speaking, though. 
I wonder WHY I competed.
In fact, I had a lot of trophies and medals from competing in a lot of things.
Spelling Contests, Speech Contests, Handwriting Contests, Basketball Tournaments,
you name it, I competed in it. 
And I usually came out with some treasure.

I had to prove I was successful, I had to prove my worth.

The RESULT was more valuable than the PROCESS.
Dad passed 3 years ago.
I said a MLK speech 37ish years ago.
Have I changed? 
If change were miles, then I have gone around the world 2 or 3 times.
(at least- and really, really slowly)
In my "old age" I have learned that the PROCESS is more valuable than the RESULT.

"When you embrace, engage and enjoy in the PROCESS your results will be magnificent!"
(Janet Hertogh)

I believe that this holds true in parenting, relationships, anything creative, fitness, 
and life in general.

Kind of a scattered post- just my thoughts on this beautiful morning.
Feeling very blessed to have had my dad, still have my mom and crazy family.

How have you changed in the last 3 years, in the last 37? 
(if you are even that old!)

What are you feeling blessed for today?

Do everything you do today,
with LOVE!


  1. Wow Janet, I must say I am really proud of you!! This is an amazing thing you are doing! Much Love to you and Daddy in heaven <3

    Pat Villalobos

  2. Pat- thanks for visiting! Hopefully, you felt encouraged. MIS- those were the days! (did you go there? I know Alex did)
    We've all changed so much, grown and matured!

    Much love to you, friend!

  3. First of all, I am that old...(and some!)

    How have I changed in the last 3 years? Well, you and I met 3 years ago in our speaking class! And I would have to say that I (hopefully) have grown in my confidence, my writing style, and my faith. I believe that I see God more clearly.

    But, I have a long way to go.

    Janet, I remember walking with you through that season of sadness when your dad passed away. I wish I had had the chance to meet him - but I celebrate that I WILL meet him one day in the future of God's perfect eternity!

    Happy Birthday, Moe!!


    (p.s. Yes, I am chuckling at the image of a young Japanese girl saying the MLK speech. However, look what was coming!! A confident and powerful BIG girl who is a talented and wonderful speaker. That image just makes me smile...)

    1. Sharon- what a great meeting last night! YOU amaze and inspire me in the way that you allow God to use you to bless and minister to others.
      KNOW that you have a DIRECTION God has you going and you are right on His path and in His presence!!
      Love you, friend!!

  4. Hi Moe!! Nice meeting you!! How blessed you are to have had a wonderful father!! The impact he had on you in many ways including in his death, because it's how you started writing, he is smiling up in heaven proud of you! What you said "If change were miles, then I have gone around the world 2 or 3 times.
    (at least- and really, really slowly)" ....I can relate to the slow part...haha I feel like my change has been slow like super slow in coming, why now God is revealing so much to me, don't know but I'm surrendering to his will through the process of writing. Thank you for being a role model to me and for being my big sister in Christ. Luv ya!!

    1. Sophia- I believe that surrendering to His will is the first step, then He can use us, and our lives to bless others! You have such a story to share with the world, I love seeing it revealed one post at a time!
      Just keep writing!
      Love you!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I LOVE happy, healthy, sparkly comments!