Friday, June 3, 2011

Your Personal Touch

All Write!

Today at our Speaking & Writing Group, we each shared how our "Writing Thing" happened.
You know, when each one of us "KNEW" that we just had to write.

I would say that ALL of us were either writers or speakers as young girls.
Each of us shared personal experiences of when "IT" happened and when we just had this compelling feeling to express our thoughts and feelings on paper.

I think all of us have kind of "Come out of the closet" to seriously write in the last 2-3 years.

I recollected how as a young girl, I kept a diary.
I loved writing letters to friends, and was always on the telephone.
I also LOVED receiving letters and notes from friends, both boys and girls.
I have to say that there is NOTHING more special to me than a handwritten note that has sentiments straight from the heart.
I still LOVE receiving notes and letters, don't you?
It is the PERSONAL touch....

This world is a difficult world to live in.
I don't know about you, but occasionally, I feel beaten down.
Do you ever, (like me) feel like you are:
not smart enough,
not pretty enough,
not skinny enough,
not creative enough,
not organized enough,
just not ever enough
the right stuff?


(occassionally- ha ha)

Sometimes a hug is just what we need,
but sometimes, words can be more than a hug.
Words are a hug, PLUS, a connect, from one heart to another.
It is that - that I love.


The Personal touch.

Who do you know that could use YOUR personal touch today?

An encouraging word,

a prayer,

a thank-you,

a few sentences to let someone know how grateful you are that they are in your life?

Don't let another minute go by.
Life is too, too, too short and unpredictable.

Make sure that those whom you LOVE & ADORE know just that,
that they are loved & adored.
You know who I am talking about!
(they just popped into your head right now!)

I feel very blessed to be loved and to have the ability to love.
I also feel very blessed that I am not only able to say those three words,
but that I do say those three words to friends and family,
male and female,
animal and human! (couldn't forget Lilly & Hammy)

Share the one thing that only YOU can share:

YOUR Personal Touch with someone YOU care about.
If we don't say it, we can't ever assume they know it.

"A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver."
Proverbs 25:11

"The Sovereign Lord has given me an instructed tongue,
to know the word that sustains the weary."
Isaiah 50:4

"How GOOD is a timely word!"
Proverbs 15:23

Who will you share your personal touch with today?


  1. Janet - what a great message. We did have a special morning together, didn't we? I have always appreciated the time you take to send notes - and give me that very special personal touch of love that speaks such joy to my heart! Thank you for being that kind of friend.

    I had a chance to make a couple of personal connections at the assisted living facility this morning. I'll have to tell you about it later. But you are so right - a small word can make such a huge impact.

    And yes, for the record, I often feel NOT all sorts of things. But Jesus made me just the way I am - and I was loved ENOUGH for Him to die for me.

    Praise His name forever!


  2. Wonderful suggestions and reminder Janet.

  3. @ Sharon-
    Thank you dear friend for sharing your "Sharon" thoughts! Love them and love you!

    @Robyn- Thank you for stopping by!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I LOVE happy, healthy, sparkly comments!