Hi Friends, remember me?
I know, that's not me, but didn't it make you smile?
Yes, it's true! A Post!! Happy Friday!!
I've been busy with my children and my ministry at church and God is just doing so much right now.
Here are the Cliff Notes, sad if you even know what these are!!
In July, I get a call from an old friend Tracy, out of the blue, who works at church and says, "Janet, the person we thought was going to take over our Cross Fitness class can't do it anymore.
I prayed about it and GOD brought you to mind."
What would YOU say?
Well, knowing the reputation of this woman and the sheer respect I have of her...I told her I would pray about it.
I called my husband, (who is AWESOME-by the way) and he says, "I think you should do it".
Of course, part of me was wishing he said not to, because I've never lead group instruction. I had done some personal training, a little one-on-one, and this would be a risk for me, translation: I was scared!
20 minutes later I called Tracy to tell her that I would do it.
My first class, there were probably about 12-15 people. I was super excited and was doing this for the Lord, so I just went for it.
Last Wednesday's night class had almost 80! Crazy, right?
So, back to teaching my first class, I prayed.
I prayed for music, the workout, what God wanted me to do, say, EVERYTHING!!!
What a blessing it was, and slowly the class began growing.
2 months later, I was asked to support the other fitness classes on campus- Holy Yoga, Zumba, Stetch and Strengthen, Walk & Worship, Bootcamp. I immediately started praying for these leaders, their ministries and the community we were serving and continue to serve.
I remember meeting Tracy after a few classes and just feeling very dependent on God, not knowing why He had me there.
Tracy gave me this verse:
Romans 4:1-3
It didn't make much sense to me then, but boy, it sure does now!
(Basically, this passage speaks of how if Abraham was able to do what God asked Him to do, it would be an Abraham-story, and not a God story. If I was asking God to bless the things I was planning, doing and creating, then God would not get any credit, as I was able to do these things on my own energy, strength and ability.
But because Abraham entered into what God had for him by surrendering his plans and trusting God to take him to places and do things on his own, it became a God-story.)
Back to what's happening:
The New Year hits and Pastor Rick launches his new Daniel Plan book and we have a Rally and start the bible study, "Transformed".
Pastor Rick wants to shut down all the fitness classes on campus but Tracy negotiates for us and they give us permission to keep our classes going as long as we all lead groups, at which time, Walk & Worship, Zumba and my Cross Fitness Class are all on the same night so we decide to collaborate into one tent.
We have a medium sized group but are stoked that people come and groups are formed.
Shortly after we start the study, I get a call from Mrs.A, who says that the Daniel Plan is going to make some Fitness videos and she wanted to know if that sounded interesting to me.
WHAT? Ummmmm....YES!!!!
So, she tells me that I need to make a video and submit it as an audition and since I was going to have class that night, just video tape myself....
#1- I hate watching myself on video
#2- the videos she sends me to look at as samples are totally professional
#3- I'm not a professional
#4- I haven't been trained to act
#5- Did I say, I'm not a professional?
I will post it sometime...
So, all my stuff that the devil likes to shout at me, starts coming up.
I do it anyway!!!
I send it in.
I get a call, and the producer would like to meet me in person.
Her assistant meets me and takes pictures and asks me to jog in place so she can make sure I don't look like I'm twerking or something...
I'm going to be a "cast" member in the back, but I don't care. There will be 5 of us. I'm one of them!!!
A week later I get a call from Sony (actually a woman representing Sony) asking if I'm ok with the dates, the pay and some details.
Can I just say, "WOW"? God is creating HIS story.
So here I am, I got a call today about my sizes for outfits, I have 4 clients that I train regularly and love the place I am in.
I'm blown away. This is God's story...not mine anymore.
It happened when I said, "YES", to Him, with ALL that I have....EVERYTHING.

I know that being a part of Deborah's bible study at The Gate also helped. I grew this last year....the process is so slow you almost can't see it, unless you LOOK BACK. Thank you Deb, and ladies from that Bible study- Connie Bear, Janet T, Sue R.
I also know that my church and Pastor helped....a lot....and
spending time in God's word, the Bible, helped the MOST!
So, this is a small part, but the cool thing is that a year ago, I could not have ever guessed my life would look like it does, but God knew.
He was waiting for me to give my life to Him so He could use it.
I'll be posting my exciting ventures while in rehearsal and the filming, if I can.
Stay tuned!
Oh, and here is my Cross Fit Devotional and Recipe for the week:
Inspired by the Bible Study I'm currently doing, "Faithful,Abundant and True",
Speaker of the week: Priscilla Shirer
Verse:”The disciples believed in Him” John 2:11 (NASB)
This passage tells of the miracle
of Jesus turning water into wine. His disciples were there, they saw the whole
thing, and it tells us of their reactions to what they saw- The disciples believed – only after they saw this
It tells us that it is possible to be a disciple and
still not believe God.
You can pray, talk with God, serve Him and walk with
Him, but still not trust God with your life.
I can relate to this story. For years, I had lived
as a Christian, going to church, praying, having a very deep relationship with
Christ, however, I wasn’t trusting HIM with my WHOLE LIFE, and it showed up
when I went through my father’s death. I fell into depression and sin, and was
in the biggest pit in my life. I was even contemplating leaving my
husband. I was angry at God even
though at the time I would not admit it. Luckily, HE gave me enough sense to
seek counseling and go to my small group of women prayer warriors, who prayed
for my heart to change when I couldn’t pray for that myself. Through my
husband’s unconditional love and forgiveness, and a lot of time….I was able to
see what I had become and that I was holding back from God. I questioned, “how could this happen to
me, I’m a Christian?”, but I realized that although I had asked God to come
into my heart, I didn’t allow HIM to have ALL OF IT, just MOST of it.
That changed when I surrendered ALL of my control
and MY entire life to loving and serving Christ. I stopped asking God to bless
my life and the things I wanted and started asking God for guidance and to seek
His journey instead of asking Him to bless mine.
Think: What is the difference between belief and trust?
Ask: Am I trusting God with my life? With EVERYTHING?
Look: Where am I still trying to control my life and even my
spiritual life?
Pray: Father, Thank you for all that you have given to me. Help me to
see where I am still trying to control this life you have blessed me with and
help me to be courageous in having YOU control it ALL.
Help me to be obedient in where you will guide me,
help me to be brave when I know I should do what you want me to do and
help me to hear your voice above the noise and chaos of my life.
I love you, Father, and want to surrender EVERYTHING, all of my life to you.
Help me to be obedient in where you will guide me,
help me to be brave when I know I should do what you want me to do and
help me to hear your voice above the noise and chaos of my life.
I love you, Father, and want to surrender EVERYTHING, all of my life to you.
In Jesus’ name- Amen
Oh, and a healthy, yummy recipe from http://chocolatecoveredkatie.com/
Chip Quinoa Cookies
Healthy Cookie Recipes
1/2 cup minus 1 tbsp quinoa
flour (52g)
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/8 tsp salt
2 packed tbsp brown sugar or
coconut sugar (22g)
2 tbsp white sugar or xylitol
2-4 tbsp chocolate chips,
up to 2 tbsp milk of choice,
as needed
1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
1 tbsp plus 1 tsp vegetable
or coconut oil (15g)
Go to her website for instructions! She Rocks!!!
Be blessed and covered in love~